
Everyday Seoul, Korean Food, Travel, Movies, K-pop, Games

February 10, 2018

Shopping in Seoul | Yangjae Costco, the world 1st place in sales of Costco

Costco is an American mart brand which is getting bigger in Korea. 

Costco CEO once said that whenever he think of Korea, he will have tears. Because their business is so going well in South Korea. 

In particular, Costco Yangjae in Seoul is the world 1st place in sales of Costco. 

I am not a Costco mania but even me, go shopping at Costco sometimes. If you see photos I attached you'll know how much Seoul Yangjae Costco is crowded. 

Costco Yangjae in Seoul

Yangjae Costco entrance

Near Seoul Yangjae Costco is mostly busy with lots or cars. 

When I went to Yangjae Costco, customers left a bit cause closing time was coming. (but still crowded)

1st floor of Yangjae Costco

Yangjae Costco B1

I bought a curry that I could eat immediately without cooking. In Costco Korea, they sell curry, chicken, salad, and sushi, etc.

Sea food corner of Yangjae Costco

meat corner of Yangjae Costco

fruits corner of Yangjae Costco

rice in Yangjae Costco

Rice, meat, fish, fruits, and dairy products are basic items of most marts in South Korea (even Costco).

Like Costco in the US, you can also buy bakery and other processed foods in Costco.

cookies and desserts of Seoul Yangjae Costco

snacks in Yangjae Costco

One of the features of Costco is membership system. Koreans can enter with a Costco membership card or Costco gift certificates.
For overseas tourists, it is possible to enter the membership card made at overseas branch such as USA. Please refer to calculate the items which you buy, only cash or Samsung card payment are available.

Yangjae Costco counter

pizza, burrito and pepsi

After calculating my shopping lists, I went to the pizza and burrito store on the corner of Yangjae Costco. This place was also crowded with people who was eatting late dinner.

I like Costco Burrito and sometimes just because of it, I and my wife visit Costco.

Business hour of Costco in Korea are usually from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm. They close on the second and fourth Sunday of every month, January 1, New Year's Day and other holidays. Currently (as of February 2018), Costco has 13 branches in Korea. In Seoul, there are 3 Costco branches like Yangpyeong and Sangbong with Yangjae city.


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