Today's lunch place is an Italian restaurant BONAPPETIT Guro branch.
Is BONAPPETIT a nice restaurant? There can be controversy. It's a branch restaurant and taste is ordinary.
Nevertheless, This is worth introducing. There are not many restaurants in the Guro Digital Complex that can enjoy more than average Italian food in a good atmosphere.
It is the interior decoration of the BONAPPETIT in Guro G-Valley mall. I want to give a big score to the comfort of the chair.
There are not many restaurants where you can have a meal with people with comfortable chairs in lunch time. BONAPPETIT is a good choice to enjoy food in a fluffy chair.
Today I chose lunch menu as lunch set.
On the BONAPPETIT menu, we ordered pen shell pasta, aglio e olio, Toowoomba pasta, and pizza di salami.
There is also a special set menu for BONAPPETIT, but it is a burden to order at lunch.
It is the pre-dinner bread first. The bread was warm and delicious.
I like the harmony that I eat in balsamic vinegar rather than the bread itself before going to any Italian restaurant.
Garden salad. It is a thankful menu for supplementing vegetables at lunch time. If BONAPPETIT have a salad bar inside, I can use here every lunchtime.
Then the pasta came out. I ordered Toowoomba pasta. Pasta also has the idea that cream should be included. Because the sauce is thick, it was the perfect menu for me who is creamy sauce mania.
This is pizza di salami. It is tasty.
Aglio e olio pasta that I liked but it was a little ambiguous to me. The oil pasta seems to take the condition of the person who eats more than the chef makes well. Today I prefer cream pasta.
Pen shell pasta was a lot of shellfish than I expected. There are plenty of seashells in the name of pasta shellfish. Today I like cream pasta, but the real satisfaction was the highest of the Pen shell pasta. Seaweed can not escape pasta, either.
BONAPPETIT G-Valley Mall point. We had a good time in comfortable seats and nice interiors. The food was ordinary, But the atmosphere of restaurant was good and the dishes I thought were normal seem delicious.
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